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How to Buy | Page | PT SUMBER BERKAT PRIMA | Tajil Sari Kelapa
How to Buy
1. Choose Product
choose the product you want, click PESAN

2. Insert quantity
Insert the quantity you want, click LANJUT BELANJA if you want to continue shopping
or BAYAR if you finish

3. Fill the form
Insert your name, telephone, email and address, click Submit

4. Purchase Confirmation
Check your purchase detail, if all correct, click Check out

5. Payment
Do the payment to BCA account no 2913909909, PT Sumber Berkat Prima

6. Payment Confirmation
After finish the payment, you can confirm your payment in the website, click "Confirm

7. Wait for your item to be delivered
After we receive your payment confirmation, your item will be delivered as soon as

Thank you for shopping at http://www.sumberprimafood.com/

PS: We can only deliver to JaBoDeTaBek area (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi),
if you are outside this area and want to order, you can contact us directly or Click Here
Provide food and beverages with premium quality.
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